Do I Need an Attorney Specializing in Divorce?
The Court process for obtaining a divorce can be very confusing, so it may be wise to consult with a family attorney to help explain your rights and to protect your interests. A lawyer experienced in divorce will know how to navigate through the complicated legal process in an efficient manner, and be there when you have questions.
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Divorce is a court procedure that dissolves a marriage. When a divorce is finalized, each person is then free to remarry if they choose.
Residency Requirements for Obtaining a Divorce
All states require the spouse filing for the divorce to be a resident of that state. The time requirements for establishing residency vary, but generally range from 6 months to a year.
Different Types of Divorces: "Fault" & "No Fault" States
Each state has their own procedure for divorce. The majority of states adopt the "no fault" approach to divorce, while some retain a "fault" divorce system:
"No Fault" Divorces – The key feature of a No Fault Divorce is that the spouse filing for divorce need not prove any wrongdoing or "fault" on behalf of either party to get a divorce. Some states require the couple to declare they no longer can get along. In other states, the couple is required to live apart for a specified period of time (months or years) before they can file for a "No Fault" Divorce.
"Fault" Divorces – The spouse that is filing for a divorce must cite a reason as to why the divorce should be granted. Although the "fault" rules or justifications vary from state, common cited reasons are:
Property Division after a Divorce
In many cases, a couple filing for divorce is able to work out an agreement concerning the division of their property and debts on their own. In cases where such an agreement cannot be reached, a court must step in and apply state law to settle the dispute. State laws regarding the division of marital property are classified under two categories: